Women In Ministry

Spiritual gifts are supernatural endowments of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon believers (both male and female) to serve and build up others. The two Greek words chosen to introduce them in 1Cor. 12 are: 'Pneumatikos' which means 'spiritual things’ and 'Charisma' which means 'endowments of grace'. These gifts can't be merited or earned because they're distributed freely by the Holy Spirit as He wills. However, we’re encouraged to earnestly desire and eagerly pursue them! (1 Cor. 14:1)


God didn't shut women out of ministry gifts + calling in the New Testament:

  • In Joel 2:28, Joel the prophet foretold by the Holy Spirit that when God pours out His Spirit, both sons and daughters(male and female) would prophesy and Peter confirmed that on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:17).

  • Anna the prophetess was an 84 years old widow of great devotion to worship who spoke of Christ as the redeemer! (Luke 2:36-38)

  • Mary the mother of our Lord and Elizabeth the mother of John the baptizer both prophesied by the Holy Spirit! (Luke 1:39-56)

  • Mary the Magdalene was the apostle to apostles for it was her whom Jesus first appeared to and personally sent to tell the rests that He rose! (John 20; Mark 16:9-11)

  • In 1Cor. 11:5, Paul spoke of women praying and prophesying during public worship and we know from the passage that men were also present.

  • Giving was mentioned as a spiritual gift in Rom.12:6-8 and it was the women disciples that funded Jesus and the male disciples! (Luke 8:1-3).

  • On Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out UPON people for ministry, the women also got filled, they weren't left out! (Acts 1:14, 2)

  • If women ministry was forbidden, Paul or Agabus would have rebuked the four daughters of Phillip the evangelist who were all prophesiers! (Acts 21)

  • God didn't shut women out of ministry gifts and calling in the New Testament as some would have us believe, Junia was a female apostle! (Rom. 16:7)

  • Paul who rebuked the rude wives of Corinth from speaking said in Galatians that there is neither male nor female! (1Cor. 14 ; Gal. 3:28)

  • Modern women ministers include late Maria Etter (an unusual evangelist with miracle, signs and wonders who lived in the 1844-1924), late Aimee McPherson (the founder of Foursquare Church 1890-1944), late Kathryn Kuhlman (the great healing evangelist 1907-1976) and Heidi Baker the great missionary to Mozambique Africa (who alongside with her husband, Rolland has pioneered over 8,000 churches in over 20 nations since 1980 till the time of this writing) and countless others who time shall fail me to speak about.